![]() Purchase directly from Author Purchase from Amazon.com Purchase from FutureCycle Press About Bill Events & Readings Send Bill a message Bill's Home Page SAMPLES Four poems published in Narrative Magazine Two poems published in Tampa Review Online Echoes published in Red River Review IN THE NEWS Review in Fall/Winter 2014 issue of James Dickey Review Review in February 2014 issue of The Southern Literary Review Review in Jan/Feb 2014 issue of Virginia Living Cutting to the Bones, by Chris Rice Cooper Special night of poetry on Peninsula in the Daily Press Half a Man Book Review by Every Free Chance Book Reviews | �Bill Glose�s poetry brings the last 12 years of war in the Middle East and Central Asia into sharp focus. He elicits all the many emotions that a solider experiences and allows us a rare glimpse into how the people fighting and those caught up in conflict see war. Everyone will learn from this work.� Richard B. Myers �Evokes battle's horror as well as the bewilderment of those within it.� Ross Losapio, Virginia Living �While Glose may have felt like half a man once his American naivet� was obliterated as he stared at the literal remains of half a man in Iraq, in this reader�s view, his raw honesty and integrity make him more than whole. Once you pick up Glose�s book, it will never leave you.� Terry Cox-Joseph, James Dickey Review �In his new collection Half a Man, Bill Glose takes the fragments from his experience as a soldier in the Gulf War�all of the turmoil, confusion, and cacophony�and binds them into thoughtful poems, where in each instance a conscience unfolds as faithfully as a paratrooper�s suspension lines. Even as we must stare down the stark images presented, we are simultaneously held aloft by the poet�s language and humanity: �No meat below his sternum,/ only a knobby string of spine/ pointing at us, accusingly./ We stood in a half-circle,/ willing our eyes/ to be just as lifeless.� Jon Pineda �The �laminated photos of his baby girl,� rifles that �become teepees/ in a field of brown,� the trigger that �knows the cure�: we learn that these things are both nothing and everything in war, as Bill Glose tells us in his impossible-to-avoid portrayal of mankind�s oldest curse. We cannot elude the lesson, nor would we want to, when we meet the intensely honest and lyrical heart of this uniquely gifted soldier-poet. So, I encourage you to take Half a Man in your hand, to pause in each poem, and to read what it means to live a daily struggle to rescue the other half. For as long as there are wars, we are all touched by them; we should be. This holy��break down my weapon, brush away grit, re-oil� wash away sins,��and heartbreaking book ensures that we are. And gratefully, we become somewhat wiser and all the more deeply human for it.� Sofia M. Starnes �This poet once smelled the stink of war with a Stoner rifle in hand, and now breathes life into his poetry with a pen filled with blood and bile. An old Marine from another time is thankful to know that those who pull the triggers are still the ones who find war most hateful. Powerful stuff.� Russ Flynn in response to Four poems published by Narrative Magazine "Wow! "Half a Man" - went way past my heart and into the bones in my feet, which still ache sometimes from 22 years of wearing tight-laced, spit-shined Cocoran combat boots. Key word in the description of my boots - "spit-shined!" And his boots, well you will have to purchase this book to see what it was like to be in his shoes. Thank you Bill, for your remarkable service and your amazing ability to tell the story." Nathan Richardson, poet & publisher, Spritual Concepts Publishing �The harshness of war comes through with great force but also the doubts of a true poet observing life in its two opposing shades of war and peace. Excellent poetry; good one, Bill.� Michael Sherman in response to Four poems published by Narrative Magazine �Your poems are wonderful. Also shattering, and troubling, and edifying. Thank God for poetry.� Anita Harrell, Branch/Web Manager, Phoebus Branch Library, Hampton, VA |