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No Comment: The Battle to Get Quotes September is the Start of Submission Season Poetry Contest Advice from three Daily Press Poets Laureate Directory of Writing Contests, Grants, & Awards, compiled by Poets & Writers The Rejection Whisperer, an examination of rejection letters, cover letters, & formatting for writers A Brief Survey of the Short Story, a column by Chris Power Writing Basics Resource Guide Proper Submission Format Sample Article Query (word document) Sample Poetry Cover Letter (word document with comments) Sample Cover Letter (word document) Do I Really Knead Reference Books? The Future of Digital Publishing (30 mb pdf download, created by Jane Friedman) Pulitzer winner Robert Olen Butler Writes a short story in real time Helpful Tidbits
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The Writer Established in April 1887, The Writer is the patriarch of all American writing magazines. Each monthly issue includes such features as before-and-after examples of improved writing, practical solutions for writing problems, selected literary magazine profiles, tips from famous authors, and hands-on advice. It also includes an extensive market listing. A one-year subscription (12 issues) costs $32.95. Poets & Writers Poets & Writers provides essays on the literary life and interviews with contemporary writers of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. The magazine publishes articles with practical applications for both emerging and established writers. In addition, it provides the most comprehensive listing of literary grants and awards, deadlines, and prizewinners available in print. A one-year subscription (6 issues) costs $19.95. Writer's Digest Writer's Digest is the most widely read magazine for writers. Founded in 1920, each issue includes market and contest information, articles, and interviews. A one-year subscription (8 issues) costs $19.96. Southern Writers Founded in 2011, Southern Writers magazine provides articles on the craft of writing and highlights successful Southern authors, such as James Grippando and Jill McCorkle, who share behind-the-scenes moments from their writing lives and books. A one-year print subscription (8 issues) costs $52.99. An online subscription costs $29.99. Publisher's Weekly International news magazine of book publishing and bookselling. Supplies in-depth interviews with top authors, publishing industry news, bestseller lists, and much more. As the title suggests, the magazine is published weekly. A one-year subscription (52 issues) costs $225.00. |